*** Please find more info about our daily schedule and "Happiness Bears" below.
Dear Parents and Preschoolers,
Welcome to St. Ann's Early Childhood Center! I am really looking forward to spending this year with you and discovering all of the gifts and talents God has given each of us! This letter will acquaint you with many of the housekeeping things that will make our days together run smoothly. These suggestions come from 19 very happy years of experience here at the ECC. Please pay special attention to the underlined words.
It may sound funny, but you will be dropping your children off here to "work" while you are at your own job. Their job is to play; we guide them through their play. We will inspire in them a love of learning, exploring, and discovering. Please send your children in comfortable play-clothes. (No overalls, no belts, buttons in the back, or clothes that "can't get dirty") They cannot feel free to create or explore if they are worried about their clothing. Please send them in "do it myself shoes"… like slip-ons or velcro. (We want to foster independence for them and make the best use of our time. We discourage flip flops and sandals without closures. Please send an extra set of clothing: (shirt, shorts, socks and underwear) in a large zip-lock bag with their name on it. This is for all kinds of accidents, not just miscalculations.
When you drop your child off, please have a "Lunch Plan". We need to see a lunchbox, or know that your child is eating hot lunch (that you pre-ordered), OR receive written notice that you will bring one later. We eat at 11:30. For hot lunch orders, you may request a water bottle or milk carton. If we do not know your "lunch plan", we will order a lunch to ensure a lunch for your child; and you will be charged for it. (PBJ sandwich).
Each Monday/Tuesday you will be sent a copy of the school's "Tuesday Folder". In it, you will find some of the following: our class calendar (post on the fridge), hot lunch menu/order forms, office announcements, brag-notes about your child, and the school newsletter. Please check your child's backpack every single day. Hints on the perfect backpack: Huge in size, as few zippers/compartments as possible. We do not check anywhere but the main zipper compartment (1st warning). If you want to send something to us, place it in the folder or an envelope in the main section. We do not check side zippers (2nd warning). Please label the backpack and lunchbox on the outside.
We handle snacks on a rotating schedule. We have the children distribute their snack into their friends' cubbies. They may eat them during center time. Please make sure they are individually wrapped either from the factory or by you placing them in baggies. Also, we have a student this year who is SEVERELY allergic to tree nuts, peanuts, and sesame. Please avoid these products completely, even in your child's lunch. Please check that calendar on the fridge for your assignment. It also means it will be their day to bring a show-and-tell item. This is their chance to share anything from a baby sibling, pet, favorite book or cd, photos, or hobby/sport, etc. Please discourage toys. They do not convey much about your child nearly as well as personal things can. Keep them simple as possible; avoid cookies and cake please. Drinks are optional; if you choose to bring them, choose tiny water bottles, boxes or pouches. Do not send a jug of milk or big bottle of drink… too messy! We will send the snack bucket home the day before your turn. Thanks in advance for your assistance on this. Speaking of drinks… last year we tried a new idea: send a water bottle from home in the backpack. At school, it remains in their cubby for easy-access to delicious, germ-and-mineral-free water! Plus- no lines, pushing, etc. at the water fountain! We will send it home at the end of the day.
Rest time takes place after lunch and story time. They will all be required to rest quietly on their own mat and may listen to stories or music we play. We expect them to follow these two rules: lie quietly and stay on the mat. No exceptions; their bodies will need the rest. Please discuss this with them if they do not nap at home. Knowing what to expect makes it easier for them. Please send regular-sized mats for ease in storage (no jumbo or sleeping bags). They may store a blanket at school. NO PILLOWS!! Label mats and blankets please.
When your child celebrates a birthday, you may send treats if you wish. Let us know ahead of time and we'll arrange a time for this. It works out nicely to serve them after lunch or rest time. You may send them in the morning or return to help serve them. We will be happy to pass out party invitations in the Tuesday Folder as long as each child is invited. If you choose to invite only a few, please use the postal system.
You may wonder about our discipline policy. The word means to guide, teach, and instruct. We do our best to make every moment a learning moment. If mistakes or bad choices are made, we discuss a better way to handle the situation next time. Please read the page below on the "Happiness Bears" chart system. It puts responsibility, accountability, and consequences in the child's hands. We will send home weekly reports with the bear count and some ideas for better choices. Please know that we do this re-direction and guidance with kindness and love.
We have wonderful assistants, Mrs. Marleah Strickland in the 4K class, and Mrs. Shelly Rath in the 3K class. They will bring your children in from your cars each morning. Please do not park and walk/carry your child into the classroom after the first day. Allowing them to do the "leaving" is easier for everyone. Hand the assistants notes with information (or place it in the folder) instead of asking them to remember things. (Like the lunch info!!)
When the day is over, we send the children to two places for pick-up: (1) in the ECC lobby to be picked up by you or an approved driver OR (2) the assistants will escort the "walkers" over to the main building to meet a sibling or attend the extended day group. We will end our day around 3:00. We ask that you form a line parallel to the door and remain in your car; we will bring the children to you and buckle them in. If we are on the playground with the gate closed in the afternoon, please wait until we have gone into the building. We ask you to open the gate and form a line then. If you should need your child early, please park outside the fence and come in and sign him/her out. Thank you so much. These are ways we have found to best keep them safe.
Finally, I encourage you to share any information regarding your child/family that might help us here at school. Often, the smallest thing shared makes a huge difference because we have a deeper understanding of what your child is experiencing. It would remain in our confidence of course. Let us know when family members or friends are in need of prayer, mama is expecting a new baby, the family is going through a stressful time, or if the child has certain fears. We share prayer intentions each day. Please feel free to contact me through notes, email, phone calls, or arranged appointments. I never tire of talking about your little treasures. Thank you for blessing us with your children. We will cherish them.
With Joy,
Sara Welch
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